Agora Mentorship

You cannot teach a man anything. You can only help him discover it within himself
— Galileo Galilei

One defining feature of the experience in Agora is the relationship between mentors and fellows—one that is organic, confidential, lasting and safe.

After being admitted, each Agora Fellows undergoes in-depth one-on-one conversations with Agora mentors, who assess the particular character, core values, interests, strengths and challenges they face. Subsequently, they are paired with at least one Agora mentor for regular one-on-one follow up conversations. Over the course of the first year, Agora mentors collectively accompany fellows to explore personalized appreciations and ways of "knowing oneself, becoming oneself, and transcending oneself.”

Throughout Agora’s multi-year mentorship experience, Agora mentors practice the Socrate method and adopted life coaching practices based on asking and answering questions.

We ask important questions like “what is that you think,” “why is it that you think so,” “how can you shape your actions,” …

Being heard leads to confidence and conscientious

A top priority for Agora mentors is to listen attentively to each Fellow. Being heard is an important aspect of finding self confidence and self worth. Agora mentors take notes and share notes amongst each other, so each fellow is heard within the Agora system for their views and aspirations.

Self awareness leads to a more effective self

Agora mentorship emphasizes self awareness. This is an important skill and habit each Agora Fellow is expected to practice. It is a habit that leads to a more fulfilled, more conscientious, and more effective individual.

Finding personal agency leads to sustained and joyful learning and growth

Agora mentorship’s ultimately goal is for our fellows to find what they are good at, what they enjoy doing, and what they believe they can do to change the world around them.

Mentorship meets apprenticeship

Agora mentors believes working on a project together with fellows is the most effective way of imparting the kind of life skills that are often times hard to describe and appreicate on paper or through deliberation. Apprenticeship is a tried and true model throughout history in both the east and the west. Not only do the fellows watch mentors "practice what they preach," they gain a perspective and confidence that simple acts can lead to extraordinary results.

Agora Mentorship can take place any time any where, as we believe any moment is a learning moment. Whether it’s on zoom across oceans, or by the fire on the Aegean Sea, whether it’s with a former head of state, or with a Nobel laureate, Agora guides conversations in a spirit of mentorship described above.

In this respect, Agora mentors' role is more akin to that of a coach to an aspiring musician or athlete. To receive Agora mentorship is acquiring coaching to explore a fellow's core values, key actions, and greater impact on the self and the world.