Our Vision


Agora Fellow Profile


Broad perspectives

Stay informed of the latest discourse on a broad range of issues; appreciate the interconnectedness among disciplines and areas of expertise.



Consistently and persistently look inward to examine all aspects of one’s life.

Growth mindset

Believe that most abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work; maintain a love of learning and the resilience required for high accomplishments.


Have the courage to discover one’s areas for improvement and targets for growth; find something to learn from every person and in every occasion.


Have the capacity to understand or feel what another person is experiencing; always willing to place oneself in another’s position.


Respect, appreciate, and learn to grow with different ideas, opinions, and values.

critical thinking

Be able to weigh evidence and examine arguments, upon which to formulate one’s worldview; understand the nature of knowledge and the impact our values and perspectives bring to the world.


Express oneself creatively and effectively in both verbal and non verbal ways; be able to collaborate effectively by listening empathetically.


Have the belief that and seek areas where one can take action right now in their own context and capacity, in order to make a difference in self and in society.


Aided by self-awareness and self-empowerment, be able to perceive the world in new ways, generate new ideas, create new values, through new solutions.


Persevere and push one’s limit to overcome challenges and obstacles; to enact one’s passion and values.


Take a sustainability approach to personal life and the world at large, learn to live and grow in a sustainable manner, understand the essence of inter-generational justice, and practice inter-generational responsibility.